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BOS Minutes June 14, 2005

Chichester Board of Selectmen
June 14, 2005

Present:  Chairman DeBold, Selectman Colbert, Selectman MacCleery and Patty Wooster, Administrative Assistant.  Chairman DeBold opened the meeting at 7:03PM.

SUBJECT: Fire Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Mike Paveglio gave the Selectmen an update on the progress of the SAFER Grant Application.  He stated that he was going to apply for two full-time firefighters/EMT personnel.  Chief Paveglio stated that he was going to be sending Patty an e-mail for some information that is needed for the application.  He advised the Board that the grant is broken down into 5 years: the first year the grant will pay 90%; the second year the grant will pay 80%; the third year the grant will pay 50%; the fourth year the grant will pay 30%. The Town has to fund the 5th year of the Grant and if the Town does not, then the Town will be responsible for paying the Grant back.  The Town will have the opportunity to vote on this at the Annual Town Meeting, March 2006.

Chief Paveglio advised the Board that the members of the Board must become NIMS certified. NIMS stands for National Incident Management System.  It is specialized training for emergencies; it is part of the Homeland Security training programs.

Selectman MacCleery asked Chief Paveglio if he kept a log of maintenance on the GMC truck.  Chief Paveglio said that he did not keep a log.  Chief Paveglio stated that the loaned vehicle from Bow would be ready for use in the next couple of weeks.  Patty advised Chief Paveglio that there is no insurance coverage for the vehicle until the Fire Department has purchased the vehicle.  In the interim, the vehicle is covered by the Town of Bow’s insurance.

Selectman MacCleery asked Chief Paveglio if he had the opportunity to review the lease between the State of New Hampshire and the Town of Chichester.  He said that he had and that the lease looked fine to him.  Selectman MacCleery was concerned about maintenance of sidewalks.  In the lease, it stated that the Town must maintain the sidewalks during the winter months.  As of this time, the Town of Chichester does not have any sidewalks; however; in the future sidewalks will be place on Route 4.  It is the intention of the Town not to maintain the sidewalks in the winter, a policy will be enacted.

SUBJECT: Police Department

HIGHLIGHTS:  Chief Patrick Clarke informed the Board that he has received 15 resumes.  He stated that the majority of the resumes are for part-time employment.  Chief Clarke stated that New Hampshire Technical Institute has scheduled the written exam for potential police candidates.  He said that after the test he will receive a list of those who took the test along with their results.  

Chief Clarke advised the Board that the Speed Enforcement Grant application needs to be signed.  He arranged with Chairman DeBold to meet and have Chairman DeBold sign the application.

SUBJECT:  Emergency Management

HIGHLIGHTS: Mr. John Martell reported that he had received a letter from the Department of Safety.  The letter stated in part that the 2003 population-based Homeland Security Funds are no longer available to the community.  Mr. Martell said that he would contact the Department of Safety and find out what this letter was about; he stated that the Town has accepted any grants that were applied for.

SUBJECT: Building Inspector

HIGHLIGHTS: Mr. David Paveglio stated that he had received a phone call from a Burnt Hill Road resident who was concerned about potential building being done on a piece of property located on Lover’s Lane.   Mr. Paveglio said that he drove down Lover’s Lane and did not see any construction.  Mr. Paveglio stated that he inspected the new home located at 17 Lover’s Lane, he issued them an occupancy permit and collected the impact fees.  Mr. Paveglio said he was in receipt of the letter from Patty regarding an occupancy permit for Window Depot.  Mr. Paveglio stated the he would respond in writing to Patty’s letter.

Mr. Paveglio stated that he was received phone calls wanting to know how many permits he had for next year.  He stated that he did not know what to tell people since Mr. Mullaney has not put his name on the waiting list.  Mr. Paveglio was advised by the Board that Mr. Paveglio should tell people what he actually has left and not to hold on to Mr. Mullaney’s permits, since he has not applied.

SUBJECT: Mr. Bob Mann and Mr. Jeff Andrews

HIGHLIGHTS:  Mr. Mann addressed the Board regarding the letter that was sent to Mr. Cavacco by the Selectmen.  The letter was asking for Mr. Cavacco’s support for the reconstruction or replacement of the dam at Marsh Pond.  Mr. Mann stated that he met with Mr. Cavacco on another issue and the conversation turned to the letter.  Mr. Mann feels that Mr. Cavacco does not understand the letter and suggested that the Selectmen send another letter to Mr. Cavacco and copy Mr. Cavacco’s attorney.  

Mr. Mann asked the Board if they received any correspondence from the State’s Dam Bureau.  Chairman DeBold stated that he had spoken to Mr. Dale Guinn at the Dam Bureau regarding a letter about the Town’s intentions with the dam.  Chairman DeBold stated that the Dam Bureau has drafted the letter and the letter is with their attorney for review.  He said it will be few weeks before we will receive that letter.  Mr. Mann reported that  the beavers have rebuilt a dam on Marsh Pond and the pond water level is back up.  

Mr. Mann asked the Selectmen if they would like to have the boundary lines at Carpenter Park surveyed.  The Selectmen thought it was a good idea.  Mr. Mann said that the Conservation Committee would like to write a warrant article to have surveys done for conservation easements.  

Chairman DeBold asked Mr. Andrews what was going on with the purchase of the Plummer Property.   Mr. Andrews stated that he is waiting for a plan showing delineated wetlands from Gove Environmental who is doing a study of the upper 3 acres on the Plummer Property.  He said once the report comes in then the Conservation Commission will decide if they want to purchase the property.

SUBJECT: General Business

HIGHLIGHTS:  A response letter from Mr. Mark Drew was reviewed.  

A letter from the Welfare Director Donna Stockman was reviewed. Ms. Stockman is concerned about the use of the food pantry.  She suggested to the Selectmen that a note be posted on the door of the food pantry limiting the use of the pantry by non-Chichester residents.  After much discussion, the Selectmen decided that the use of the pantry was not being abused and at this time do not feel it is necessary to make any changes as by state statute, people requesting food assistance cannot be turned away.  Patty will send a letter to Ms. Stockman to advise her of the Board’s decision.

Discussed was the memo that was sent to the Department Heads about coming to the Board before trading in, selling or disposing of Town property.

Selectman MacCleery advised the Board of a telephone call he received regarding a septic issue.  He said that he met with the Health Officer, Dr. Ed Meehan.

The Board signed payroll and accounts payable.  

Legal correspondence, mail and e-mail were reviewed.  

Minutes from June 7, 2005 were reviewed and signed

Being no further business, Chairman DeBold adjourned the meeting at 10:15pm.

Respectfully submitted,

Patty Wooster
Administrative Assistant

Chairman Richard DeBold

Stephen MacCleery  

David Colbert